Transition Dundee
We rely on the generous donations of our supporters to help keep our projects going. Every penny donated stays in Dundee, and helps our community and our planet.
If you would like to support our projects click 'Donate' below. It can be a one-off donation, or why not sign up to a small monthly donation?
Every penny is appreciated, thank you so much!
Donate food to the Community Fridge
We can accept food donations but we have to follow strict health and safety rules. You can bring your donation to the Community Fridge any time between 11am-2pm Tuesday - Saturday.
​Please do not leave food outside when we aren't open - our seagull friends like to investigate the bags and make a mess!

Individual households
Fruit and veg (as long as it hasn't been cut/prepared/cooked)
Long-life and unopened foods such as pasta, cereal and tins that are no more than 6 months past their BEST BEFORE date.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept any items with a USE-BY date from individuals as they are high-risk.
Food businesses/projects
We can accept almost anything, please get in touch at hello@transitiondunde.com
*We can never accept anything that is past its USE-BY date or that has been made in a home kitchen (BEST-BEFORE is ok)
If you work with a registered food business and would like to make a larger donation or need help transporting the items, then please contact us to see how we can support you with this.
Donate clothing or craft materials to The Wardrobe
We can accept donations of good quality adults clothing and accessories to our secondhand clothing shop based at 112 Nethergate Dundee DD1 4EH during our opening hours of 11am-5pm Wednesday - Saturday.

The problem of clothes (and other things) being dumped on charities has become a real problem over the last few years. As grateful as we and other charities are for your donations there is a large volume around and some charities struggle with what to do with it when there is too much, or the quality its too poor to pass on. We always encourage people to check with the charity you want to donate to first to make sure they can accept it. Our project is about changing behaviours as well as saving waste - we want to encourage our community to consider more carefully what they are donating where.
We therefore encourage people to first consider – is the item in good enough condition that you would give it to a friend or family member? If so, we would be most grateful to receive it!